Friday, February 8, 2013

Beauty Day

With Valentines Day soon we need to pamper our self for our love ones. Weather it is a lunch date or a night out with friends here what you can do to feel like a princess.

  1. Paint your Nails a fun baby pink in honor of Valantines Day. My favorite in Essie Ballet Slippers.
  2. Take a warm shower with you favorite shampoo, condidioner and body wash. Make your own body scrub by mixing sugar and oil together, the sugar will expholiate and the oil will mositerise. Be careful not to slip after you have used this. 
  3. After your shower grease up. Applay moisteriser all over. Tip- let miosteriser sit on heater befroe you got in the shower to warm it up
  4. Turn off all lights, but light those candles and place them all over your house for a relaxing feel
  5. Snuggle up with your banket and watch your favorite movie


Long time no talk. I recently went to a makeup class relized that I absolutely have a desire for this. Long story short I will be blogging a lot more now and Hope that you enjoy.